The Gullco Flexible KAT® is used worldwide to automate a wide variety of welding and cutting operations. It is a durable, reliable precision travel carriage designed for use on flexible tracks which enables it to operate on straight or curved surfaces along any position. Gullco manufactures several systems and accessories designed for use with the Flex KAT® making it one of the most versatile pieces of welding/cutting automation equipment available.
The Gullco Flex KAT® carriage is used worldwide to automate and improve the quality and efficiency of single or multiple "head" welding/cutting operations. Welding guns or cutting torches mounted on the KAT® carriage moves along flexible Gullco "Flex Track" at precisely controlled speeds along the desired path in a forward or reverse direction. Gullco's Flex KAT® carriage enables welding guns or cutting torches to operate with a precise motion from start to finish regardless of the number of passes or the workpieces involved, improving the quality, efficiency and repeatability of the process. Poor or awkward accessibility, operator fatigue, or inconsistent workmanship are eliminated.
This unit is designed for operation on curved surfaces as the flexible track can be positioned to follow the contour of the workpiece. The carriage's self-aligning wheel system grips the track's top and bottom, enabling it to travel along any plane. The adjustable wheel assembly keeps the carriage snug to the track while allowing it to be easily mounted and removed from the track at any point. The positive drive of the KAT® is obtained from a uniquely designed sprocket that engages with slots in the track, driven by a low-voltage permanent magnet motor and gear-head power unit assembly.