Rapid Welding News

Health & Safety Executive (HSE) eBulletin: Fabricated Metal Inspections

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Health & Safety Executive (HSE) eBulletin: Fabricated Metal Inspection

On the 17th February 2021 the HSE issued an eBulletin directed at metal fabricators concerning welding fumes and metalworking fluids. As such, the HSE has written to businesses to ensure they are complying with guidance to manage the risk of associated respiratory diseases, and if your business receives a letter you should respond as soon as possible. 

 The HSE eBulletin: Fabricated Metal Inspections can be found HERE.

Managing the risk of welding fumes and metalworking fluids in your business 

Correct measures and procedures, plus provision of appropriate PPE and other relevant safety equipment must be in place to protect our workers. As a welding supplier we understand that our customers take the health and safety of their employees and themselves very seriously, and we can help in providing solutions which meet your specific needs, whether that be in the form of Air Fed Welding Helmets or Fume Extraction units. 

Creating clean air in your work environment is often possible through correct use of at-source or separate source extraction options, general ventilation and filtration systems and personal protection in the form of welding helmets; all effective methods of creating a safer work environment. 

We offer an extensive range of fume extraction equipment, which can be viewed HERE.

Our team of experienced Sales Engineers are just a call, email or click away in helping you make the best decision for yourself and your colleagues. 

For more information do not hesitate to get in touch: sales@rapidwelding.com or call us on 02392 214 214

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