Rapid Welding News

A new Era in Welding Training - Launch of the Welding & Fabrication eLearning DVD

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Within hours of launching the Welding & Fabrication E-Learning DVD Package, Rapid took its first order! 

 Learners can carry out training in a safe environment before entering the workplace.




Rapid Welding is proud to announce the launch of an innovative and modern instruction package from Weldability Sif, consisting of a Welding and Fabrication eLearning DVD which gives learners the opportunity to develop a theoretical understanding of modern welding and cutting processes. This new software – aligned to the National Occupational Standards (NSO), provides a firm foundation from which to progress into further practical learning of welding, cutting and brazing processes, can be used as a support tool whilst taking any number of welding progression pathways,or as a return-to-work memoire.


This exciting new eLearning package is more than just a simple welder training DVD. It provides a comprehensive introduction to all associated skills supporting the welding process.


For Instance, the Performing Engineering Operations (PEO) module covers:

  • Health and Safety
  • PPE
  • Safety Signs
  • Control of Hazardous Substances
  • Working at Height
  • Basic First Aid
  • Manual Handling
  • Risk Assessments
  • Fire Protection
  • Electrical Safety
  • Working as a Team
  • Communicating Technical Information



Other modules include Engineering Materials, Metal Fabrication and Cutting and Quality Control, and each module is summarised by an overview and short knowledge test. Once the modules are complete you can apply your newly gained knowledge in a fully interactive 3D workshop where you are given a set of realistic scenarios to experience each welding process.


To view a demo and for more information click: http://www.rapidwelding.com/dynamic/DisplayItem.aspx?c=E-LEARNING&zl=1





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