Rapid Welding News

Tim Peake; An Extraordinary Journey- Inspiring the next generation into 'thinking big'!

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Roy & Marianne Edwards with Lynn Willacy from Air Products


When a representative from Air Products contacted Rapid asking if we’d like to be part of a space adventure of astronomical proportions, naturally we jumped at the opportunity no questions asked!

Most people have heard of the name Tim Peake. Well, if you’re harbouring secret desires to follow in his intergalactic footsteps and have your very own space odyssey (like we clearly are), then you might be interested in visiting the newly launched exhibition at The Novium Museum in Chichester - Tim Peake; An Extraordinary Journey.

An excellent occasion to bring the two businesses together.

Air Products is one of the world's largest Industrial Gas companies, and a Strategic Sponsor for the exhibition. As an Air Products agent offering a full range of Industrial Gases and cylinder gas solutions, and a local agent to Chichester where the exhibition is being held, we were very excited to receive the invitation from Air Products to support them during the launch which took place this week to coincide with the first anniversary of Tim’s take-off.


"We have been helping launch astronauts into space for the last 50 years. Since Tim's own extraordinary journey ended, his aim has been to encourage children to think about the importance of science, technology engineering and mathematics. We are really pleased to be involved in this exhibition and we hope it will inspire the next generation and be the launch pad for many more extraordinary journeys in the future." 

Air Products.

The exhibition allows would-be explorers to embark on a space mission, following Tim Peake's very own astronomical adventure. Starting with a 'rocket lift', transporting occupants into outer space, the exhibition aims to encourage and inspire young people to consider careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), and to think ‘big’ about their futures. From blasting into outer space and finding out about Tim’s Space Walk, to experiencing what it’s like to eat, sleep and work in an International Space Station, it’s certainly going to inspire and ignite. It’s a project we are very proud to offer our support to.

“It was a great pleasure to meet Mr Peake Senior, Tim’s Dad (Nigel Peake is part of the project group pulling the exhibition together) and see the obvious pride he has in his son’s achievements and the joint passion they share for encouraging and educating our future Astronauts, Engineers and Welders. Inspiring future generations is also an ideology both Rapid Welding and Air Products have shared throughout their years in the Gas Industry.”


Marianne Edwards, Rapid Welding

Roy & Marianne Edwards with Mr Nigel Peake

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