Rapid Welding News

Recognising The Stars Of Our Industry - FIVE Welding World Nominations for Rapid Welding!

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The voting is over, and in the New Year the results will be revealed. 

We are extremely delighted to announce that Rapid Welding and Industrial Supplies Ltd have been nominated for FIVE Welding World Awards in the inaugural Welding World Awards 2016.

The Welding World Awards are the first of their kind and are international, impartial, independent awards that can be won by anyone involved in the welding business.

The aim is to recognise and applaud the stars of our industry.

What makes us most proud is that it is our customers who have nominated us into the position of possibly being announced as one of the winners at the Gala Awards Dinner being held on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel.

If you would like to know more about the awards and see for yourselves why we feel so proud of ourselves, please visit www.welding-world.com. 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for us.

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