Rapid Welding News

Rapid at MACH 2012

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What a Team! Stephen McPartland, MP for Stevenage, visited the Rapid stand at MACH.

MACH was a first for Rapid, but it definitely wasn't the last!


The MACH exhibition is an established showcase for the UK manufacturing industry, promoting its interests on a world-class stage. This year, Rapid decided to take part in the weeklong event, securing a stand in the Welding World Village as organised by the AWD (Association of Welding Distribution).

The week was a success. We'd like to say a big thank you to all the Rapid customers, old and new, who kindly took the time to visit us on the stand. It was great to put faces to names and catch up over a coffee. And it wasn't all hard work; the girls were enjoying themselves before MACH had even started! Not wanting to miss an opportunity to go shopping they went all out on their 'uniforms', opting for a 'Virgin Atlantic' themed dress code with a Rapid twist! Who says welding and manufacturing can't be glam? And the boys didn't scrub up badly either.

As well as the fun bits, the exhibition also proved to be a great place to showcase Rapid's new website - Rapid has been trading online since 2003, but the website has recently had a major overhaul and now provides customers with a more informative, interactive, and user friendly service. The full range of CK products attracted a lot of attention - especially the reduced access micro torches and clear Pyrex nozzles, as did the new design Kemppi machine.

We went to MACH wanting to raise the Rapid profile, and with 490 exhibitors and 21,624 visitors from the UK and overseas, we certainly achieved that!

Did our feet ache on Friday? Yes.

Did our smiles waver? Not once.

Would we do it again? Definitely.

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