Rapid Welding News

QR Codes and Body Art!

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Rapid QR Codes and Body Art!

Thanks to growing technology and the marvel that is the Smartphone, the modern day version of the bar code can be accessed by pretty much anyone nowadays. I won't bore you with the nitty-gritty, but in a nut shell the QR code - or Quick Response Code - is like a normal bar code only 2D, so it has a much greater capacity to store data. It provides a super quick and easy way for everyone to find the information they want, linking the user to texts, emails, websites, phone numbers and much more. Also, so long as you own a Smartphone, most of the barcode scanner apps are completely free to install, allowing the phones camera to simply read the data from the code.

QR codes are becoming really popular with businesses and consumers alike. They seem to be popping up in newspapers, brochures, magazines, billboards, body-art - oh yes, QR Code body art. Google it! This year the Chelsea Flower Show had an entire garden dedicated to the phenomenon, displaying a two by two metre code cut from Pyrex.  

Here at Rapid we like to keep up with the times - although personally I draw the line at tattooing a bar code on my arm - so we introduced the QR code ahead of the MACH exhibition back in April, displaying it on the stand and having it printed on our stationary. Anyone leaving with a Rapid mouse mat - and there weren't many who escaped empty handed - can now link to the website with the push of a button - try it, I dare you! We're also constantly looking for ways to improve our service, so we'll keep you posted on any new developments with the codes.



 This QR Code was designed for MACH and displayed on the stand and on our statoinary. It takes you directly to the Rapid experience! 

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