Rapid Welding News

Our Week at MACH 2014

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Life has returned to its normal hectic pace after MACH 2014. The vans have been unpacked, the blisters have healed, the aches and pains have eased. We have lots of enquires to follow up and people to contact, so all in all it was a show stopping success.

The gang arrived on the Sunday to set up the stand - our first chance to put it together since its maiden voyage at Seawork back in September last year. We were all pleased to improve on our 'set up' time, and those of us staying rewarded ourselves with a few drinks in the hotel bar.

The Stand

Monday arrived, and after a good breakfast and a short stomp around the lake to the NEC, we were on the stand and chatting away with people. To make life interesting, we had different representatives from the team joining us throughout the week - including the guys from Rent Arc - formally Bryant Welderental, which meant we had a whole host host of expertise and fresh faces each day. For those of us in it for the duration, it was great to welcome Jeff from CK once again. We had a lot of fun - despite his flight being delayed on the outward journey - and some good interest was shown in the CK products which proved a steady draw and kept Jeff on his toes and his jet lag at bay. 


  Jeff from CK & Gary from Rapid 

Despite some heart stopping moments setting up, the TV screen stayed put and didn't malfunction (thanks to Dave driving up from Portsmouth to prep the Wi-Fi and do the technical bit!). It was a brilliant way to access the Rapid Welding website when discussing certain product solutions. We found people were impressed with the wide selection of quality brands, and the ability, speed and consistency with which Rapid supplies to its far reaching customer base.

 Throughout the week, the WorldSkills competitions drew in a large number of visitors to support the event. It saw teams competing in seven different skill areas, and many of those present at MACH will go forward to the UK finals. Plenty of budding welders stopped by the stand for a chat, and it was promising to hear a number of them speak so positively about their training and their chosen industry. Of course, they were rewarded with the requisite Rapid mouse mat/ beer mat!

 Still smiling on Friday! 

On Thursday we had a visit form Stephen McPartland, MP for Stevenage, and Thursday night was the AWD'S annual AGM and drinks reception. Even when Friday arrived, we were all still smiling - and that's the honest truth!

So we had a brilliant week, and we've already  made enquiries to do it all over again in 2016 with some great new ideas for the stand and, of course, new outfits for the girls!

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who stopped by for a chat and a cuppa, and give those of you new to the Rapid experience a very warm welcome. 

For all enquiries, please contact the team on 023 92 214 214 

Or visit the website by clicking here.

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