Rapid Welding News

Nothing about Welding and a lot about Drumming

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Jamie B as some of you might know him 

We’re always very proud of anything our team achieves in or out of the world of welding supplies and industrial gases. When it was brought to our attention that our very own Jamie Bynam – one of our gas driver’s based at the Nursling yard – has a hidden talent, of course we wanted to know a bit more ...

Meet Jamie B the Drummer!

When did you start drumming, Jamie? I started drumming when I was around 10/11 years old, and was very influenced by the music of the time, including bands like Level 42, Kajagoogoo, Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones.

Why the drums? I always wanted to be a bass player or guitarist, but found it too fiddly. One day I was invited down to see a family friends band rehearse, and when I walked in there was this massive drum kit on stage and I was like, wow, what's this? It all went from there.

Did you have lessons? I was very lucky as the years passed to have lessons from the drummer of the band, which is where I learnt my craft.

What bands were you into while you were playing? While I was having lessons I was introduced to bands like Iron Maiden, Whitesnake, Van Halen and ZZ Top. This changed the sort of drumming I wanted to do. Nowadays my influences are many, but to name a few we have Nicko McBrain - Iron Maiden, Neil Peart - Rush, Gavin Harrison -Porcupine Tree, and Robert Sweet - Stryper.


 Have you played in a band yourself? I've spet the last 25 years playing in rock bands. To name a few I was in Mister Fusion, Sacred Ace, and tons more. During my time with Sacred Ace we recorded a CD, but the band finished a while after so I took a back seat in drumming and focused on my growing family and changing career. As I was gradually reducing my drumming activity, I made the decision around 3 years ago to retire and sold all my gear.

Little did you know. So what made you start back up again? I met a friend a year or so ago who'd twice tried to get me to join his band, "Monkey Face". I kept declining until April this year, when I was asked if I could help out at an audition as a guitarist. I thought, O.K., I'll do it, but that would be it. Like some things in life, you can't change your mind. When the guys asked me to join the band full time - along with a new guitarist, the band changed it's name to X Presidents, and that's where we are now.

How did the auditions go? Were they like X-Factor for bands? The guitarist auditions were X factor style. We gave each guitarist an hour and a half slot to impress us, and after a few seeions we found the new guy.

Does the band have a facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/TheXPresidents?ref=hl and we’re looking at getting a proper fully flashing and shiny website soon too.










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