Rapid Welding News

Low-hy Rods - Baked Not Fried!

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 When a welding electrode is removed from its factory container, the coating is vulnerable to absorbing moisture from the air. Moisture contamination in an electrode releases hydrogen into the metal during the welding process, which can cause the weld to crack and become brittle. 

Low Hydrogen, or low-hy rods, are used to create stronger welds than higher hydrogen electrodes. With added alloys to improve strength, low-hy rods are often favoured in the construction of ships, bridges, oil rigs and high rise buildings. Substandard equipment and improper usage could therefore result in unmentionable catastrophes. 




Two Ways To  Keep Rods Dry

Firstly, use within a certain time after unsealing the packaging, to prevent the rods absorbing moisture from the environment. The time frame will depend on the conditions and level of humidity being worked in. 

Secondly, it is possible to condition the rods in a rod oven, storing them at high temperatures for several hours. This effectively prevents the rod from absorbing moisture from the air and reduces the risk of damaging the weld.

 As with anything, it is always wise to adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines and low-hy rods are no exception. The rods are manufactured to be suitable for different welds and have acceptable moisture limits consistant with the types of covering and strength of the weld metal.

The main points to take into account are the desired weld quality, the environment, and the welding set-up, i.e. amperage, range and rod size.


Rapid have a range of rod ovens for sale online. Check out the website: http://www.rapidwelding.com/dynamic/TextSearch.aspx?t=2&cd=1&s=low%20hydrogen%20electrodes&sor=3



or call Andy on 02392 214214 for a more detailed discussion of your needs.



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