Rapid Welding News

Customer Feedback ... We really do listen!

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It is standard practice to invite all our customers to complete a short feedback survey following a purchase/order. It is completely optional, but a very useful tool in ensuring that we provide all our customers with the best possible experience when purchasing welding supplies, a matter that has always been and will continue to be of great importance to us.

Recently we received the following survey results:  

Overall Quality of Rapid Experience = 10

Appearance and Ease of Use of the website = 7

Enough Product Choice = Yes

How Competitive = Very

Goods Arrived = As Expected

Goods Well Packaged and Arrived In Good Order = Yes

Quality of Communications = Impressive

Received Good Value For Money = Yes

Use Us Again = Yes

Recommend Us = Yes

Receive Monthly Newsletter = Yes

Our response:

After thanking the customer for taking the time to complete the feedback, we highlighted the fact that they had marked us '7' for Appearance and Ease of Use of the website, referencing their additional comments which focused on a few niggles with functionality and accessing pictures. Having received feedback from previous customers about the website, we had already taken note of the issues brought to our attention and had begun implementing significant changes to bring about a better overall user experience.

We were able to share with this particular customer that his points had been of great interest to us, and that some exciting news was about to be announced, news we would like to share with you all now.

Rapid is currently in the process of having the website extensively updated with a brand new design, courtesy of Mustard Design Consultants. The grand 'go live' will be on April 1st, which also happens to be our 25 Birthday (but more on that later!!!!) and customers browsing for welding products can be promised a new and updated website that is also tablet and mobile friendly, simplifying the whole experience, just as you requested. 

Customers response: 

"Thanks for the acknowledgement, a first. I have received acknowledgments for feedback before but this is the first time I know one has been read and answered personally.
11/10 for communication, even more impressed.
Look forward to seeing the new site."


So there you have it, proof that we really do listen to what our valued customers have to say

Welcome To The Rapid Experience

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